Found 19 articles by "Wilbur Lim":

Defamation Law in Singapore

Defamation Law in Singapore

This article explores what elements a claimant would have to satisfy for a claim in defamation.

Defamation - Jameel Principle

Defamation - Jameel Principle

This article examines the application of Jameel Principle to defamation related claims in Singapore.

The Defences to Defamation - Fair Comment and Qualified Privilege (Part 2)

The Defences to Defamation - Fair Comment and Qualified Privilege (Part 2)

Part 2 of the article examines the defences of fair comment and qualified privilege in local context.

The Defences to Defamation – Justification (Part 1)

The Defences to Defamation – Justification (Part 1)

Part 1 of the article examines the defence of justification in defamation claims.

Law of Defamation: Admission of Liability

Law of Defamation: Admission of Liability

One pertinent issue in defamation suits is whether a letter of apology or public statement could be deemed to be an admission of liability. Our Defamation and Reputation Protection Practice examines this legal issue.

Law of Defamation: Employer's liability

Law of Defamation: Employer's liability

In the age of social media, an important issue for companies is whether the company could be held liable for defamatory remarks made by its employees in their personal social media accounts and page. To answer this question, our Defamation and Reputation Protection Practice examines the concept of

Appeal or Setting Aside of Arbitration Awards

Appeal or Setting Aside of Arbitration Awards

Our Speacialised Arbitration Practice explains the appeal and setting aside of arbitration awards in an easily digestible manner.

Preliminary Determination in Arbitrations

Preliminary Determination in Arbitrations

Our Specialised Arbitration Practice team examines the possibility of preliminary determination in Arbitration.

International Arbitration: Translation of Documents

International Arbitration: Translation of Documents

In international arbitrations, a pertinent issue facing the Tribunal would be whether to issue a procedural order for the translating of voluminous documents when the documents were written in a language which is different from the language for the arbitration.

Compelling unwilling parties to arbitration (Part 2)

Compelling unwilling parties to arbitration (Part 2)

In part 2 of the series, our Specialised Arbitration Practice examines the ways to compel an unwilling party to pay their share of the Tribunal Fees.

Compelling unwilling parties to arbitration (Part 1)

Compelling unwilling parties to arbitration (Part 1)

Our Specialised Arbitration Practice examines how a party could compel another unwilling party to arbitration.

Law Reform Proposal for Residential Property Defects in Singapore

Law Reform Proposal for Residential Property Defects in Singapore

Our Mr Wilbur Lim has co-authored the Proposal for Legislative Reform for Residential Property Defects in Singapore.

Case Note: The Social Outcast v OSEAS Pte Ltd

Case Note: The Social Outcast v OSEAS Pte Ltd

This is a case brief on the law of defamation arising from the case of The Social Outcast v OSEAS Pte Ltd. Our team, led by Mr. Wilbur Lim, had successfully defended OSEAS and prevail in the counterclaim against The Social Outcast.

Retention Sums in Construction Law

Retention Sums in Construction Law

In this article, our head of construction law practice examines the concept of retention sums in construction law.

The Impact of COVID-19 on the Construction Industry - Part 1: Force Majeure Clause

The Impact of COVID-19 on the Construction Industry - Part 1: Force Majeure Clause

The COVID-19 has presented an unprecedented crisis to the world. This article seeks to address the law of force majeure and its application in the current climate.

Tort of Abuse of Process

Tort of Abuse of Process

In the landmark decision of Lee Tat Development Pte Ltd v Management Corporation Strata Title Plan No 301 [2018] 2SLR 866; [2018] SGCA 50, it was held by the Court of Appeal that the tort of abuse of process was not recognised in Singapore [at 149]. In this case note, we will set out the summary of

Punitive Damages in Singapore - The Position in Contract and Tort

Punitive Damages in Singapore - The Position in Contract and Tort

This article explores the state of punitive damages in contract and in tort, taking into account the developments in Singapore laws.

Timing of Payment Claim (Construction Law Practice Series)

Timing of Payment Claim (Construction Law Practice Series)

This article is a case note on the Court of Appeal case of Audi Construction Pte Ltd v Kian Hiap Construction Pte Ltd [2018] 1 SLR 317.

Criminal Law Practice Series

Criminal Law Practice Series

Our article summarises the frequently asked questions for an accused facing criminal charges, including but not limited to bail and court attendances.